Digital Business Navigator

Digital Business Collaboration Management

Collaborate with your Digital Business Partners

DBN Digital Business Collaboration Management is a robust platform designed to facilitate seamless collaboration, communication, and teamwork within the digital business environment. This innovative solution empowers teams to work cohesively, regardless of geographical locations, by providing tools and functionalities that enhance connectivity and productivity.

With special features for IT and Digital Projects and Demands you will get a swiss army knife for managing all kinds of Digital Business Partners. The NDA management is included now in all editions.

Key Features of Digital Business Collaboration Managemen

Centralized Collaboration Hub

Offers a centralized platform where teams can communicate, share documents, and collaborate on projects in real-time, fostering efficient teamwork.

Task Assignment and Tracking

Facilitates task assignment, tracking, and progress monitoring, ensuring accountability and transparency in project workflows.

Document Sharing and Version Control

Provides a secure environment for document sharing, editing, and version control, enabling synchronized collaboration on shared files.

Real-time Communication Channels

Offers various communication channels such as chats, video conferencing, and discussion forums, ensuring quick and effective interaction among team members.

Project Management Integration

Integrates with project management tools, allowing seamless coordination between collaboration and project-related tasks.

Access Control and Security Measures

Implements robust access controls and security measures to safeguard sensitive data shared during collaborative efforts.

Benefits of Digital Business Partner Collaboration

DBN Digital Business Collaboration Management is an indispensable tool for businesses aiming to optimize teamwork and productivity in the digital age. By providing a collaborative workspace, task management tools, and secure communication channels, this platform empowers organizations to foster efficient collaboration, enhance productivity, and achieve successful outcomes in their digital endeavors.

  • Enhanced Team Connectivity: Encourages seamless communication and collaboration among geographically dispersed teams, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.

  • Centralized Information Repository: Provides a centralized repository for shared documents and project-related information, ensuring easy access and reference.

  • Improved Productivity: Facilitates efficient task management and streamlined workflows, boosting productivity and project completion timelines.

  • Secure Collaboration Environment: Implements security measures to protect confidential information and maintain data integrity during collaborative efforts.

Demo Tour

Getting started with the Digital Collaboration with Business Partners!

Digital Business Partner Collaboration Tool Entry
per month / SaaS
  • Basic Features
  • Dashboard
  • 10 Users
  • 100 Digital Business Partners
Digital Business Partner Collaboration Tool Premium
per month / SaaS
  • Basic & Advanced Features
  • Dashboards & Reports
  • 30 Users
  • Onboarding Consulting
  • Unlimited Digital Business Partners
Digital Business Partner Management Workshop
  • Setup of DBN environment
  • Individual Online-Workshop
  • 4 hours
  • Usage of Premium Account for 3 months included
  • Recommendations from our Digital Business Experts for Digital Business Partner Onboarding and Collaboration

Contact Us

    Your contact

    Andreas Pörtner, MSc BBA
    Digital Business Consultant & Managing Director

    Contact Us